New home, new stress

I come from a family of six, a big family, to the point where I shared a room with my three brothers. It never bothered us that we had limited space. We always made it work with the little we had. About three years ago, I finally moved into my very own apartment, a place to call my mine. I was so used to the limited space that figuring out what I needed to fill my apartment felt a bit overwhelming.

What to buy? Where to buy it? Do I need this? The questions started to overwhelm me, and I began to panic. When I first started searching for my apartment, I did not think through all the details. I stood in my empty apartment just thinking, “Well, this is it, what now?” I did not have many items, heck I did not even have your basic everyday necessities. I was ready to throw in the towel and run home. Okay, just kidding, I am just being dramatic like always.

Finding products for any home can be overwhelming because there are so many items to choose from. When searching for products, I wanted to make sure that they would be everyday items and not just build up clutter in my home as I watched it collect dust.
After I panicked for about five minutes, I started my list of items needed for each room. Living at home with your parents, you never have to worry about the little things like toothpaste, a hamper, towels, or cleaning supplies, because they were always somehow there. Our parents were always one step ahead of us, but now it was time for me to be the adult, the horror!

It took me a couple of weeks to get my apartment to look like a home, from buying basics like toilet paper, dish soap, toothpaste, etc.,  but I managed to figure it all out. Now three years in, I am getting the hang of having more space to work around. I am still trying to organize the space I have so that it is easy to access items but does not look clutter, which is what you call a work in progress.

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